Key 1: Eat Well

Eat Well

A key to decreasing your risk of dementia is eating well by following the MIND Diet. The MIND Diet (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) was developed at Rush University Medical Center to address dementia.  It combines these two excellent diets to focus on brain health, by encouraging more leafy greens and other vegetables, more berries, nuts, olive oil, whole grains, fish, beans, and poultry, as well as limiting consumption of butter, cheese, red meat, fried food, and sweets.

Multiple studies have shown that the MIND diet can help lower an individual’s risk of dementia. One study estimates that the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease can be lowered by 35% for those who follow the MIND diet moderately well and by up to 53% for those who closely adhere to it.

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